
Sunday, 26 September 2010

I'm Back

It's been such a long time since I last posted but you'll be pleased to know that I'm back blogging and crafting again.  After much deliberation I decided that study wasn't for me.  2 1/2 years was long enough and the stress it was causing was getting too much to cope with.  So... I quit!  I feel so much better without having to have my head stuck in books constantly.  I now feel that I have my life back again and being able to indulge in my passion for craft again is very liberating.

I haven't done a whole lot since quitting but I'm beginning to get there.  My 'puter got sick and so did I.  You really don't realize how much you rely on your 'puter till it's out of action.  I lost everything including all my contacts (which I might add were not backed up) and being my main source of storage was devastating.   It's been a long haul getting both of us well again, still not complete but getting there.  AND I have now got an add on so I can back up.

In the process of setting things up and getting programs back on I decided to revamp my blog.  I hope you like it.  It is still a work in progress though.

Not much happening on the quilting front although I have visited a couple of patchwork shops and did buy some fabric.

These two fabrics I bought from Chandler's Cottage and I just had to have them both even though I never buy bright colours like the purple.  Do you have ever have times like that where you just have to have something?  Leesa has the most wonderful to die for fabrics.  The purple/green one is from a range called 'Born to be Wild' and I think this will end up being a bag of some sort.  The brown/pink is the border print from Leesa's new range by Robert Kaufman called 'Under the Australian Sun' and I'm thinking possibly a strippy quilt, at least I bought enough if I decide to go that way.  If you have any other suggestions they would be most welcome.

Have a lovely crafty day.
